Volume 86 Friday, September 2, 2005 Page 1 of 2


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DC’s All-Star Batman and Robin, The Boy Wonder #1, the opening chapter of Frank Miller's re-imagining of the Batman's first encounter with his junior partner, was July's best-selling comic book. It was one of only three DC titles in the top 10, the other two being Superman/Batman #21 and The Omac Project #4.

Miller On All Star Batman & Robin

In an exclusive interview with Now Playing magazine (read the first part here), Miller reminded us that the book's full (and lengthy) title is no accident: "It was a condition that I put 'Boy Wonder' in the full title [because] it's Robin's book. As it reveals itself, you'll see that it's the journey of a 12-year old boy whose life is going completely insane. His parents are murdered, and a crazy guy who's dressed like a bat has kidnapped him … and what you actually learn over the course of the story is that he's also a genius. He keeps catching Batman off guard because he's as smart as Batman, and Batman has never known anyone as smart as him before, let alone a 12-year old boy who's got attitude."

But Miller also explores the Dark Knight's psychology in the maxi-series – and who could stop him? The twist is that very few Batman writers in the past have dealt head-on with the Bat's feelings about his relationship with his ward, which has led to decades of speculation that his interest in Dick was based on...