Volume 94 Tuesday, December 6, 2005 Page 1 of 1


This is from

A rumor we heard over the Turkey Day holiday has it that the Joker in the Batman Begins sequel won't be zany and clowny but rather, in keeping with the tone of director Chris Nolan's films, will be dark and frightening with a broad smile under his wide-brimmed hat.

According to our sources, the Joker will be an x-factor in the Gotham crime scene, sometimes acting against the Batman and sometimes acting against the Mob still taking orders from the League of Shadows.

Meanwhile, the Penguin is rumored to be a Russian arms dealer working with Gotham gangsters. No word on the imminent return of the Scarecrow.

This is from

Bob Hoskins

“I thought I would send this info your way as I’m sure you and your readers will find it interesting. I sure did. I heard this from someone who has the proper connections and is usually on the mark. OK, the rumor is that The Penguin will appear as one of the villains in the next BATMAN film, right? Got a name for you: Bob Hoskins. Got to say that Hoskins would be perfect for the role. So if true
and pans out, it would be another bit of spot on casting by the Bat-crew.”

Philip Seymour Hoffman

A trusted source has told BOF that Philip Seymour Hoffman (CAPOTE) may get a look as a potential Oswald "The Penguin" Cobblepot. Honestly, I know of the guy, but I'm not all too familiar with his work. Anyway, another name to add to the mix.

Sam Rockwell

I have been told that actor Sam Rockwell (CONFESSIONS OF A DANGEROUS MIND) "...has been personally campaigning for the role of The Joker in Chris Nolan's BATMAN BEGINS sequel. Anyway, I'm not saying that Rockwell is "officially" being considered, and I'm certainly not saying he isn't either. This info came in from a reliable individual who got it from someone close to Mr. Rockwell. Our sources adds, "This doesn't mean he is confirmed or unconfirmed or even under consideration, but I can definitely say that the man is pursuing the role." - End

Editor's Note: Please take everything in the above article with a gain of salt, it's all just rumors at this point.