Volume 363 Saturday, July 14, 2012 Page 3 of 3


with a man who I trust and who I've worked with before and who also has also brought a tremendous amount to the Dark Knight and the Batman franchise which people have loved. And they're big, heavy-hitting movies. So my trust and faith is in Chris Nolan, do you know what I mean?

Empire: How is it working with Christian Bale?

Tom: I love Christian. He's brilliant. He's really good fun. And it's like, he's a really serious actor, he takes the work very seriously, but not himself very seriously. He's a very funny, witty man, very smart. He's a brilliant character actor, and not at all alpha male in the way that there's not enough limelight for everybody to shine around him. So he's not greedy. He has a tremendous humility as a performer. It's a fucking breath of fresh air to work with somebody like that. And it's very physical.

Empire: Because that is the advantage of Bane as a villain...

Tom: This is the fight film.

Empire: You get to beat him up.

Tom: Well, it goes both ways. We beat each other up; we beat the shit out of each other. And he's a big lad, Christian. He's not messing around. I just
pull faces and wear tights for a living, do you know what I mean? I'm not a fighter [laughs]. I give him all I've got and I'm like, Yeah! Then he gets up and goes, [does spot-on Bale impression] "That was really good" [claps hands]. And I'm like, "That was all I've got" [laughs]. He's tougher than I am. In real life.

Batman Movie Countdown

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