Volume 405 Saturday, December 15, 2012 Page 1 of 2


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The Dark Knight Rises took the superhero genre to a truly epic level. Was there a sense that you could do anything you liked on this one?

Nolan: The fun thing about writing in that environment is, with Emma [Thomas] and Chris and Wally [Pfister] and their team, whatever you want to do with a scene they would be able to achieve it. The beauty of that is you don’t have to sit there saying to yourself, ‘Well they’re not going to be able to do that!’ After Inception, Chris can do anything. You can write a sequence as huge as you like.

It’s interesting now, looking at the Bane prologue in the context of this year’s films, there does seem to be this trend of villains conspiring to get themselves captured.

Nolan: Well, the Joker did that gag in The Dark Knight and that’s one of my favourite scenes in The Dark Knight! But I’m sure we were inspired by what went before — probably Bond movies or something else. There’s something great about it: in the face of certain defeat they have actually engineered the whole thing. There are similarities between Bane and The Joker in that sense. With both you think the shoe is on the other foot, and then you realise that the entire encounter has been engineered for them to get something they
want. But The Joker has a particularly municipal aim. With this one, Bane’s out to do something really big. He is completely in charge of that situation. And unafraid, almost absurdly fearless. You’re never in any doubt with Bane. He is completely what he is. He’s absolutely... Out-of the box thinking. He does not take into consideration his fear.

That scene’s particularly complex in terms of what we have to follow — it was quite bold to have a blood transfusion going on amid all that chaos.

Nolan: Yeah, I was actually surprised it made it into the film. It was like that moment in The Dark Knight where The Joker hides the cellphone in the man’s stomach. But it is important to the story. Bane is taking his enemies’ strength and using it against them, namely the CIA’s forensic capabilities. He knows they will check the wreckage and they find the body and they will think it’s him [Dr Pavel]. I always say, if you’ve got a good idea throw it in there!

The last time we spoke, you promised that Anne Hathaway would blow us away as Selina Kyle. You were right.

Nolan: Yeah, she is fantastic. I mean, everyone in this movie’s fantastic, especially Christian — what he’s done with the character of Bruce Wayne over the course of the three films... But I’m glad