Volume 620 Thursday, November 5th, 2020 Page 1 of 1


This is from

Roberts Pattinson recently sat down with Vanity Fair France to discuss the process of building his take on Batman. Please note, this interview is translated and there may be minor inconsistencies in the wording.

"To start, The Batman, I'm using things at the moment that seem fragile compared to the importance of the project. Conversations I've had with close friends, embryos of dreams. This is the secret and sensitive part of the actor facing the heaviness of the project."

He went on to add...

"On The Batman, on Tenet, a gigantic team of technicians surrounds you and when you say, Let's go Robert... Action! you have to forget this mass of people and play in front of your own thoughts, your own demons. Yes, I have an actor's excitement to face the tension of the set, the inordinate expectation of all these people and to transform it into a dialogue between me and myself. It's an exciting and horrible feeling to be that little shit who risks planting all the heavy artillery, all that war infrastructure, because she wasn't able to go and get it... I think about that, a few days before a shoot."

And how does Pattinson build a character such as Batman?

"I look first at the character and what I have to do with
it, how I'm going to have to invent nuances in this shell, making it more complex, more complex all the time. Batman is a role in which I have to learn how to play ambiguity better. It's out of the question to interpret a character of a single color. It's beautiful, people who seem to live in two states at the same time. And then, imagine: you love to cook and after years you succeed in obtaining the perfect dish, the healthiest, the most balanced, the tastiest, the most subtle; would you honestly eat it at every meal? No! What would you secretly dream about? To make you a nice fat cheeseburger."

Batman Movie Countdown

                    THE BATMAN